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Devotional Blog

Stepping Out of Comfort in Faith

By Pastor Kevin Troyer

Timberland 45th Anniversary

Imagine living the same day over and over again with nothing new occurring. You wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, drive to work, go home from work, eat dinner, and go to bed. Over and over again. Imagine how boring life would be - not to mention, how little you would learn or grow if you did the same thing everyday. It would be a pretty miserable life. You would learn very little, you would meet no new people and you would have a very simple life. Now take this same scenario, but think about it in the context of your spiritual life. You don’t do any extra devotions, you don’t ever step out of your comfort zone (even when God calls you too) and you never take any new leaps of faith. You sadly wouldn’t grow a whole lot closer to the Lord, if you just did the same things over and over again. 

God not only wants us to grow closer to Him, but He wants us to step out in faith and trust Him. We are so blessed to live in America where so many things come easy, but it’s easy to get caught up in the same day to day things without ever really stepping out of our comfort zones. God doesn’t call us to be comfortable, He calls us to be obedient and to bring Him glory with our lives. Isaiah 43:7 tells us, “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.” God made each of us and He certainly has a purpose for us as well! We just have to trust Him, step out in faith and do what He calls us to do, to ultimately bring Him the glory He deserves! Think about your life this week and maybe take a chance or take a step out in faith. See what God wants to show you. God bless!

By: Pastor Kevin Troyer

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