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Mobile Bible Apps

We recommend that you use either Logos Bible app or Faithlife Bible app.  


Apps for iPhone & iPad

Apps for Android & Kindle Fire

Why So Many Apps?


Apps for iPhone & iPad

Tap the App Store icon below to view and download Faithlife apps.

Apple App Store


Select an app and tap the Get button to download. Close the App Store. Tap on the app icon, choose Sign in to enter your Faithlife account email address and password, and log in to an existing Faithlife account, or register for a new account for free.

Note: Logos Bible Software (company) has rebranded as Faithlife Corporation. If you were previously using a Logos account, nothing has changed. Your login information is exactly the same.

You will remain automatically logged into the app unless you uninstall the app. Uninstalling the app will log you out and delete any books you may have saved for offline reading. They will be downloaded again, automatically, if you reinstall.


Apps for Android & Kindle Fire:

Select your Installation Source:

Google Play Store

Amazon App Store


Select an app and tap Install or Free to install. Open your Applications menu, tap on the app icon, choose Sign in to enter your Faithlife account email address and password and log in to an existing Faithlife account, or register for a new account for free.

Note: Logos Bible Software (company) has rebranded as Faithlife Corporation. If you were previously using a Logos account, nothing has changed. Your login information is exactly the same.

You will remain automatically logged in to the app unless you manually uninstall the app or clear its data. Uninstalling the app will log you out and delete any books you may have saved for offline reading. They will be downloaded again, automatically, if you reinstall.

Did you know that you can use your moble Bible apps to follow along with the sermons here at HMC? Below is a link to explain. 

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